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Belgium (Flemish Community)

RAY partner / National Agency

National Agency for the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps

RAY contact person: Barbara Cleynen, Rilke Mahieu


RAY partner / research institute


RAY contact person: Frank Stevens


National publications & reports


Boone Katrien, Stevens Frank (Howest): Onderzoeksproject over organisatorische ontwikkeling en lerende organisaties in de Europese jeugdsector. Nationaal rapport België-Vlaamse Gemeenschap (pdf 2,4 MB in Dutch)

Boone Katrien, Stevens Frank (Howest): Research project on organisational development and learning organisations in the European youth field – Executive Summary. National report Belgium-Flemish Community (pdf 1,2 MB in English)


Stevens, Frank: ANALYSE VAN ERASMUS+: YOUTH IN ACTION. Resultaten van de 2017 – 2018 bevragingen van projectparticipanten en projectbegeleiders. Analyse voor België (Vlaamse Gemeenschap), 2017/2018 (pdf 6,6 MB in Dutch)

Executive Summary 2017/2018 (pdf 0,5 MB in English)

Stevens, Frank: ANALYSE VAN ERASMUS+: YOUTH IN ACTION. Resultaten van de 2015 – 2016 bevragingen van projectparticipanten en projectbegeleiders. Analyse voor België (Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 2015/2016 (pdf 4 MB in Dutch)

Executive Summary 2015/2016 (pdf 0,5 MB in English)

Stevens, Frank: Research-based Analysis of Youth in Action. Results of the November 2014 survey with project participants and project leaders – Country analysis Belgium (Flemish Community), 2014 (pdf 3,4 MB in English)

Stevens, Frank: Research-based Analysis of Youth in Action. Results of the May 2013 survey with project participants and project leaders – Country analysis Belgium (Flemish Community), 2013 (pdf 2,7 MB in English)

Special survey on learning in YiA projects 2012  (pdf 1,4 MB in English)

Stevens, Frank: Research-based Analysis of Youth in Action, Results of the November 2011 survey with projects participants and project leaders – Country analysis Belgium (Flemish Community), 2011 (pdf 0,6 MB in English)


Stevens, Frank: Research project on competence development and capacity building in Erasmus+: Youth in Action, Belgium (Flemish Community), Module (A+B), Executive summary (pdf 1 MB in English)

Stevens, Frank: Research project on competence development and capacity building in Erasmus+: Youth in Action, Module (C) on systemic effects and organisational development: Interviews with key staff members of organisations/platforms/networks, National Report Belgium (Flemish Community) (pdf 1,3 MB in English)

Belgium (French Community)

RAY partner / National Agency

BIJ – Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ)
National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps

RAY contact persons: Aurore Phan Manh Tien, Béatrice Minh


RAY partner / research institute

Department of Sociology, University of Louvain
Centre for Democracy, Institution and Subjectivity, at the University of Louvain

RAY contact persons: Prof. Geoffrey Pleyers (FNRS-Professor of Sociology)
Margot Achard (researcher at the Centre for Democracy, Institution and Subjectivity)


National publications & reports


Jean-François Guillaume: L’impact de la pandemie du coronavirus sure le travail de jeunesse, 2022 (pdf 48MB in French).

Jean-François Guillaume: The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on youth work in French-speaking Belgium, 2022 (pdf 48MB in English).


Dr. Grégoire Lits, Prof. Geoffrey Pleyers: Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of Erasmus+: Youth in Action. Results of the 2015/2016 Survey with Projects Participants and Projects Leaders. Country analysis Belgium / French speaking community, 2017. (pdf 1MB in English)

Margot Achard et Geoffrey Pleyers: Analyse et suivi du programme Erasmus + : Youth in Action, Résultats de l’enquête de 2017 pour les participants et travailleurs de jeunesse. Belgique francophone (FWB), 2019. (pdf 1,6MB in French)

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