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Beyond borders

First findings of RAY NPC, our project on collaboration between programme and partner countries

First results of our RAY research project about the impact and potential of cooperation projects with neighbouring partner countries (RAY NPC) were presented online at the 2024 NA/SALTO staff meeting February 21 2024.


What is this all about?

RAY NPC explores key aspects of collaboration with neighbouring partner countries in the context of the European youth programmes (Erasmus + youth and the European Solidarity Corps) and is conducted in close colaboration with the long-term strategic activity on neighbouring partner countries, Beyond Borders, and the regional SALTO Resource Centres. The project has several modules that include an English-language survey and focus groups with people involved in projects with progamme and partner countries and a thematic in-depth analysis of relevant RAY MON results.

The RAY NPC survey was open to organisational contact persons and project leaders of projects that involved programme and partner countries from November 2023 to February 2024 and it welcomed over 500 visits.


>> You can find the whole presentation HERE
>> Some highlights:

>>Involving neighbouring partner countries in a project makes a difference with regards to its outcome, methodology and impact

>>Involving neighbouring partner countries in a project offers  everyone involved valuable opportunities to network and collaborate with each other.

>>As a general rule, all partners involved in projects where program and partner countries collaborate are satisfied with each other and with the benefits of partaking in the projects. They also agree to the same extent that program and partner countries benefit similarly from the projects.

>>The main challenges faced in these projects are bureaucratic difficulties and financial difficulties, with neighbouring partner countries clearly struggling more than program countries with financial difficulties.


What’s next?

We are now busy with setting up the case studies with organisations involved in projects with progamme and partner countries based on the data obtained in this survey. Stay tuned to read more about RAY NPC results later in the year!



Featured photo by Melissa Askew on unspash

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